Monday, October 20, 2008

Drop Zone

The gentle ascending motion of the ride would almost be relaxing if not for the fact that it was all a facade. They were trying to deceive me, so that I would be unprepared for what was to come. I dangled my feet in the open air, loving the feeling of freedom. The upward movement stopped and the view around us was spectacular. It would have been even more beautiful if a host of butterflies had not decided at that very moment to invade my stomach. Then, I happened to glance down at the ground. As if a raw carcass of meat was thrown into den of starving lions, the host of butterflies in my stomach transformed into an angry hoard of bees out for revenge.

Why oh why had I thought this ride was fun? What had made me get on it a second time, knowing what was about to happen? Any moment now I would be free-falling down to the earth. 3...2...1...NOW! The bees reach a peak. Ok that wasn't it. Now! Nope. Ok just a few more seconds and then it will be over with. What was taking them so long to drop us? I could handle it if we got up here and right away they let us fall, but this waiting and the fear that was accumulating in my stomach made it only that much worse. Well, since they don't seem to be in any of a hurry, I'll just enjoy myself and forget about the horrid, upcoming descent. Off to my right I recognize the bright red gleam of the Firehawk. I can hear the distant sound of people screaming. I quickly search the park for the White River Rapids, a ride that I had planned to visit next. Was it near the Beast or was that...AAAAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm flying up out of my seat and all the air rushes out of my chest. My parents smiling faces grow larger and larger and just about when I don't think I can take anymore of this, the ride slows down and I am able to touch the sweet, blessed ground again.

"That was a rush!!! Let's do it again," I tell my friends and we step back in line, longing for more torture.

Drop Zone is an amusement ride also located at Kings Island in Ohio. As you can probably guess and as seen passengers are strapped in the seats and the device slowly rises up. It then waits for an excruciating 20 seconds at the top until you are plunged 26 stories down, going a speed of 61 mph. This ride is so much fun, yet it scares me to death every time.

I would give this ride a rank of 8.

1 comment:

Jenece said...

This ride looks scary too! NO WAY would I ride on that!