Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ghost Hunting in Mulberry Part 2

So this Halloween we returned to Mulberry to see if we would have better luck this year. We started out as normal, driving down the old country road. After passing the three, one-lane bridges we stopped and flashed our lights three times on the last one. Nothing happened at all and we turned around and parked by the graveyard. One of the guys and myself got out of the car prepared to walk around. The rest of our crew was too spooked to join us. We carefully crept through the place keeping our eyes out. After about five minutes, the horrible feeling that someone was watching us, grew too strong and we had to turn back.

Not wanting to leave just yet without seeing a thing, we drove deeper into the cemetery. The road loops around the graveyard and we decided to drive around the circle taking us deeper into the dark. The bad feeling in our stomachs grew and grew. We rolled down the windows and took a ton of pictures. In almost all of the pictures taken from the graveyard, there are these green, orb-like objects in them. One picture we got, the one shown above, there can be seen a mist like object that appears to be a skull. It's really hard to see in the picture on here, but we can definitely make out the skull when we zoom in on the camera.

After leaving the graveyard, we pulled back out on the road and noticed a car behind us. We quickly kept driving straight thinking. It took longer than it should have for the cars headlights to round the bend and from the across the field that separated us, we could see a search light scanning across the top of the corn stalks. We realized at that moment that the car must have been a cop and that one of the neighbors had been bothered by us flashing our lights and called the police. We drove around for awhile trying to waste some time, and once we realized that no one was following us anymore, we headed back the way we came, the only route back. We drove past the third bridge and were coming up on the cemetery, when we saw the cop car parked in the entrance. Trying not to freak out, we casually drove past him, fearing the whole time that we would see flashing lights in the rearview mirror. Through some stroke of luck he didn't pull us over and we made it back home. That was the scariest part of the trip, not all the ghosts and pictures we got.

I would give this trip a 9 for scaring me to death.

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