Saturday, November 8, 2008

Go to a New Country

If you're looking for a real exciting thing to do, try living in a foreign country a few weeks. Preferable one where they don't speak English. It will be an unforgettable memory!

Four years ago, I went to Monterrey, Mexico for a Mission trip. To me, it is the most exciting and amazing experience I have had in my entire life. I took Spanish in High School and believed that I would be able to make do and understand about half of what was said to me. Ha ha, that was a joke.

We stayed at a church and they had graciously allowed our group of 30 to sleep there while services were not in session. A shock right off was that the boys simply slept on the rooftop while the rest of us pushed pews together and used it as our beds. I loved it! The driving on the other hand needs a lot of improvement. At one point our van filled with kids was wedged between two huge buses trying to pass us at the same time. One of the buses was even in the opposite lane! The drivers side mirror was shattered to pieces, but other than that everyone was ok. The buses just kept on driving as if nothing happened.

We taught a vacation bible school class and that was were my Spanish really came into play. The one words I made sure I could convey to them were bano=bathroom and hola! They spoke so fast that even though they were saying words that I had learned in class, I was unable to follow them. The little children would laugh at me when I tried to converse with them. In the end it simply turned into a game of charades.

When driving out of Mexico headed for home, we were stopped by some of their police. They all carried ENORMOUS shotguns clearly visible in their hands and were shouting at us to all get out of the vans. They searched through the vehicle and then motioned us that we could get back in and go. Our guide told us that it was just a routine inspection looking for any illegal items.

Needless to say, I had an amazing time there with getting to know the children and falling in love with them. I hope to someday go back there. I would give this a 10.


Jenece said...

This would be an exciting thing to do! I want to go to Europe...their language is probably much easier to pick-up than the spanish language. You're very creative with what you come up with on these trips. What an imagination. You could be a writer!

Risk Taker said...

Thanks! Ya I want to go to Europe sometime. It'd be amazing! The main places I want to visit are Greece and Ireland. Oh well all these stories have really happened to either me or someone I know so I'm probably not that creative...but thank you so much for the compliments!