Saturday, December 6, 2008

Competitive Late Night Card Game

We heard a knock at the door. The clock read 12:00 am. In walked our friend's boyfriend, who challenged us to a duel of honor in the art of...card playing! We sat down in a tribal formation-circle. The game was golf.

The strategy for this game was, at the end of the round, just as in golf, the player with the lower score wins. You go through and play 9 rounds, as in golf you play 9 holes. We got through 8 holes of game and not wanting to end our giant tournament early, although I should have just stopped there seeing how I was in the lead, someone suggested we try playing for a full 18 holes. In our stupidity, everyone eagerly agreed and we started out on the long trek.

2 A.M. came around and we had only reached 10 holes. Our eyes were starting to droop and sitting in the same position had begun to hurt. But I couldn't give up now. I had to beat the guy at his own game. He was super competitive and always had to win. If I could beat him at this, then I would be able to lord it over his head for the rest of his life.

We trudged on into our game of golf. Remarkable for playing so many rounds, our scores were all within a few points of each other. I was slowly losing my lead. The last two rounds seemed to take the longest amount of time to complete it was now 3:45 in the morning and we just wanted it to end. Still we had to finish it out. We finally came to the end of the game with Scott, our friend's boyfriend barely squeezing by with the win, like always. He excitedly jumped up and down, rubbing it in our faces. With the excitement over with, everyone left and we immediately crashed in our beds, finally bringing an end to the competitive evening.

I give a late night card game a rank of 6.

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